SEFA testimonial

Electricity and telecom company

« Emmanuel knew how to gain the trust of each member of the team and he knew how to use the right tools, with a lot of tact, to get to the bottom of things and deal with them in a respectful way. »


SEFA Director


1. What was/were the main situation(s)/issue(s) for you and your teams before the interventions?

The challenge was to consolidate our management team, notably by integrating new members and also by allowing conflicts and differences to be exposed.

2. What were the results after the interventions?

A calmer management team, with a better understanding of each other's personalities and skills, and therefore more united and efficient.

3. What was most striking / favourable about the consultant's work / style?

The confidence that Emmanuel was able to gain the trust of each member of the team and that he was able to use the right tools, with a lot of tact, to get to the bottom of things and deal with them in a way that respected everyone.